Pretty good...
This was pretty good...but I feel like it "got off track"...
There was a lot of Super Mario characters in here...and the title is "Sonic Battle" and from the intro I was expecting Sonic Characters vs. Sonic Characters... I mean the intro made it seem much like Sonic Battle 2, so I was just expecting Sonic stuff....Anyways...
As much of a fan I am of HarryControl...I feel that this was unorganized as well because of the length of each animation. HarryControl had a great animation, took up very much of the film. His part could have even been an upload itself...(Considering he uploaded that part to YouTube titled "Shadow vs. Tails...) Don't get me wrong, his part was great, was on topic, but was not the near the same length as the other uploads...
I feel that if you are going to create another collab, I would suggest just making it a little more organized. I feel that just the Super Mario and Sonic crossover and the length of each animation really held this back. It probably could have been much better.
Although, if you ever hold another collab, please, PM me, I would be interested. :3